On Jun 26, 11:36 pm, elspiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've fairly new to django but i'm loving it!
> I've got some draggable panels on a site and want to save their
> positions so when a user logs back in, the panels are in the same
> place when they last hit the save button. What I'm doing is (using
> jQuery) retrieving the id's of the panels, putting them into an array,
> and using ajax to pass the array to the server:
>             var data = []
>             $('#left > div').each(function() {
>                 data.push($(this).attr('id'));
>             });
>             var Left = 'Left<br />';
>             for(x in data)
>             {
>                 Left += data[x] + " in pos " + x + "<br />";
>             }
>             Left += "<br />";
>             $('#var_test').html(Left);
>             $.post("/post_test/",{'data[]': data });
> Using firebug, I can see that the data is being posted correctly.
> Below is the view (abridged):
> def post_handler(request):
>     post_text = request.POST.getlist('data')
>     user = User.objects.get(id=2) # for debugging purposes
>     for x in range( len(post_text)-1 ):
>         name = post_text[x]
>         panel =
> user.panels_set.get(name__istartswith=name,side="left")
>         panel.order = x
>         panel.save()
> The problem is its not saving to the database, I'm assuming it to do
> with the way I'm accessing the POST data, but I can't work it out.
> I've tried post_text = request.POST['data'], but that didn't work
> either,
> I really am at a loose end with this...please help!!

You are POSTing the data with the dictionary key 'data[]'. But your
view is expecting the value 'data'.
Your jQuery post line should just be :
$.post("/post_test/",{'data': data });

I suspect this is a habit picked up from PHP, but you don't need it
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