
Since I switched my site from mod_python to mod_wsgi, the meta
attribute 'unique_together' stopped working properly. When creating a
duplicate entry, instead of getting the error message "Entry with this
date already exists for the given slug." I get an exception:

"MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Entry-- it
returned 2! Lookup parameters were {'date__iexact': u'2008-06-04',
'slug__iexact': u'example-title'}"

(Full traceback given below.)

Also, some duplicates have slipped through when entries have been
added by the administrators of the site. So, apparently, that
exception is not always raised or at least it fails silently.

It works fine on the development server which runs with mod_python....

Has someone got similar issues, and would you see what I'm missing

Thanks a lot!


PS: Traceback:

 File "/MY_PATH/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 82, in
   response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/contrib/admin/views/decorators.py", line 62, in
   return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/views/decorators/cache.py", line 44, in
   response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/contrib/admin/views/main.py", line 334, in
   errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/oldforms/__init__.py", line 62, in

 File "/MY_PATH/django/oldforms/__init__.py", line 379, in
   self.run_validator(new_data, validator)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/oldforms/__init__.py", line 369, in
   validator(new_data.get(self.field_name, ''), new_data)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/utils/functional.py", line 55, in _curried
   return _curried_func(*(args+moreargs), **dict(kwargs,

 File "/MY_PATH/django/db/models/manipulators.py", line 302, in
   old_obj = self.manager.get(**kwargs)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/db/models/manager.py", line 82, in get
   return self.get_query_set().get(*args, **kwargs)

 File "/MY_PATH/django/db/models/query.py", line 199, in get
   % (self.model._meta.object_name, num, kwargs))

MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Entry-- it
returned 2! Lookup parameters were {'date__iexact': u'2008-06-04',
'slug__iexact': u'example-title'}
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