John Aherne wrote:
> Daniel Roseman wrote:
>> On Jun 29, 11:34 am, John Aherne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've been looking at django for a while. Been through the tutorial a few
>>> times and read 2 books several times and am still trying to find out how
>>> some things work.
>>> Instead of an empty form on first loading, I would like to be able to
>>> fill out some selection lists with data pulled from a database table.
>>> There are 2 things I would like to achieve:--
>>> First, I have a model with 30 fields but I want to extract 2 columns for
>>> use with a selection list. I want to get all rows in the table but only
>>> 2 columns. I have looked at using .values() but that returns a different
>>> format than a queryset.
>>> So I then found Managers. But before I start going through that I
>>> thought I would check and see if I have gone blind and missed some
>>> obvious way of getting my select list filled based on my table selection.
>>> Second thing is I want to select certain columns from a table but filter
>>> the selection based on input from the session data. At the moment, I'm
>>> not using session data, I just want to hardcode the options so I can
>>> concentrate on how I get my selection list filled. Once again my model
>>> has 10 fields, but I only want to get 2 of those to use in my selection
>>> list.
>>> I thought about filling out a dictionary and passing that in as per the
>>> samples in But I then read that I should not be doing this.
>>> Choices in forms is for mainly static selections. So I then start
>>> looking for a way to get my data set up for a selection list. But as I
>>> say, I've looked at .objects.values() and then started to look at managers.
>>> Also I have googled all over for some reference to this problem I have
>>> and not found any link to my problem. I have some found some links that
>>> relate to some edge cases, but nothing simple. So I think I must be
>>> being a bit stupid or blind, since noone else is having this problem.
>>> I would be very pleased if someone could point me in the way to go on this.
>>> John Aherne
>> What you want is a ModelChoiceField. For example:
>> from django import newforms as forms
>> class MyForm(forms.Form):
>>     mychoicefield =
>> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=MyModel.objects.all())
>> or you could put your filter as the queryset -
>> MyModel.objects.filter(field=criteria)
>> --
>> DR.
> Thanks for the reply.
> Yes I did look at this. But this pulls in all the fields from the model. 
> I only want to pull in 2 columns from the table.
> So I looked at .objects.values() and then managers. But before I take 
> that route I wanted to check I was going in the right direction.
> You seem to imply that I need to set up a model with just the fields I 
> need. Where I have found samples to look at that is the option chosen, 
> which makes it a lot simpler.
> Am I missing something.
> John Aherne
> >
OK. I did some more experimenting with ModelChoiceField and my table.

Surprise. It worked when I thought it would not. Why did it work. By 
luck in my model I had the __unicode__ function return the right value. 
So now I could see better what was happening.

I also printed out the post values in the 'runserver' so I could see 
better there what was being selected. There I was initially confused 
because the cleaned_data was the return value from __unicode__ and not 
what I wanted.

But if I looked at the POST data direct I had the correct ID I wanted.

The I saw what was happening. The post was rcmcli01:3, so the table was 
being called with the code and giving me the name. But what I really 
want at this point is the code so I can use it to look up another table 
for a list of jobs. For the moment I can take that directly from the 
POST data but I should really be getting it from cleaned_data. Not sure 
how I can do that at the moment.


John Aherne

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