> This problem's kinda hard to explain, but I'll try my best. I've got a
> list variable : notes_list which looks like: {'note 1', 'note2' etc..}
> I'm using this variable within a forloop and I want it to cycle based
> on the number of loop (notes_list.0 for the first loop, notes_list.1
> for the second time it loops).
> I tried using the following code:
> {{notes_list.forloop.counter0}}
> but that didn't work. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

If I understand what you're trying to do, you want to pair one 
list ("List A", which you're iterating over in your loop) with 
items in a 2nd list ("List B", your notes_list above) so you're 
trying something like


   render_to_response('foo.html', {
     'lista': lista,
     'listb': notes_list


   {% for item in lista %}
    {{ item }}
    <p>{{ listb.forloop.counter0 }}</p> <!-- fail -->
   {% endfor %}

If this is the case, it sounds like you want to use the Python 
"zip()" call to pair up the items:

new view:

   render_to-response('foo.html', {
     'pairs': zip(lista, notes_list)

0.96 and earlier version template:
   {% for pair in pairs %}
    {{ pair.0 }}
    <p>{{ pair.1 }}</p>
   {% endfor %}

development version template:
   {% for itema, itemb in pairs %}
     {{ itema }}
     <p>{{ itemb }}</p>
   {% endfor %}

Hope this helps,


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