
> Depending on step 1's selection, I want to set the queryset of one of
> the fields (a ModelChoiceField)
> e.g.
> class StepOneForm(forms.Form):
>    channelType =
> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=ChannelType.objects.all())
> class StepTwoForm(forms.Form):
>    channel = forms.ModelChoiceField()
> class MyFormWizard(FormWizard):
>    def process_step(self, request, form, step):
>         if step==0:
>             self.get_form(1).channel.queryset =
> form.cleaned_data['channelType'].channel_set.all()

The process_step method is called only after the form is already
validated. So, as you found out, that's not going to work. Also, you
are trying to set the queryset on form #1 when step is 0. That's not
going to persist.

> But it doesn't seems working... how can a dynamic choice can be
> achieved depending on selection of previous step?!

Try overriding the get_form method instead of process_step. Also, you
will need to populate form #1's queryset when you are in step 1. So,
the code would be something like this:

def get_form(self, step, data=None):
    form = super(MyFormWizard, self).get_form(step, data=data)
    if step == 1:
        # Get step #0's form and set form #1's queryset based on it
                form0 = super(MyFormWizard, self).get_form(0, data=data)
                form.fields['channel'].queryset =
    return form

-Rajesh D

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