Rob wrote:
Not for me! :( I get a "Unable able to connect. Firefox cannot
establish a connection to the server at" message. I've
searched the group messages and there are only a handful of
(unrelated) messages about this.
First question: are you really running the development server on your local box? If you're sshing to another machine, then it won't work. is always the machine it is referenced from. You can change where the development server is being run by locating your ip address (use the ifconfig command and look for the address associated with eth0), and running the dev server like this:

   python runserver <ipaddress>:8000

In a common case, it might be:

   python runserver

You can then connect to it via that ip address instead, so if you are SSHing to another machine, you can access the dev server even though it's over the network. Just keep in mind that it'll be accessible to anyone who can see that machine.

Your /etc/hosts don't define ip addresses, they define hostnames-- it seems like you understood it backwards.
If it's any help, I'd actually rather be running Apache +
mod_python... you know, make your development and production
environments as similar as possible...
This really isn't necessary when working with an initial Django project. It's possible to use an apache instance with mod_python for development, but it is nowhere near as convenient as the Django dev server. At least for initial developing of Django projects, I'd recommend you stick with the dev server-- it is there to help you be more productive and keep things from getting in your way.

Hopefully this helps!

Jeff Anderson

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