Matt Berg wrote:
> I apologize, I realize this is probably documented somewhere.
> Say I have 2 models.
> Artist and Album
> Album has a foreign key to Artist.
> I want to do a list_display of Albums something like this...
>               list_display = ('album','release_date','artist')
> This works fine and displays the info under the key for Artist.  What
> I would like to do is access some of the other attributes of Artist.
> Trying artist.hometown and artist[hometown] doesn't work.

One way to do this is to create helper functions.

def _get_artist_hometown(self):
    return self.artist.hometown

list_display = ('album','release_date',_get_artist_hometown)

There're different options see

Norman J. Harman Jr.
Senior Web Specialist, Austin American-Statesman
It's August!  Keep your cool with the Statesman.  Check out our hot
deals in print and online for back-to-school savings and more!

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