Hi Mario,

a few months ago I posted a snippet on djangosnippets [1] that kind of
does something like this: it takes a form (can be the same one you use
for editing) and displays it as read-only. The disadvantage is it uses
the entire form machinery just to display some values, which is a lot
of overhead, the advantage is I have quick and dirty display of data
without much extra work (I have my own generic view wrapped around
It needs a lot of improvement, but it works ok for me for now.


[1]: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/758/

On 26 aug, 20:00, Mario Hozano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi People.
> I am new in Django and I am using the django support to create generic
> views (CRUD) in my app. To handle Create and Show actions, i have
> written 2 main pages with the code snippets described below.
> baseform.html
>         {% for field in form %}
>             <dt>{{ field.label_tag }}{% if field.field.required %}*{% endif
> %}</dt>
>             <dd>{{ field }}</dd>
>             {% if field.help_text %}<dd>{{ field.help_text }}</dd>{% endif %}
>             {% if field.errors %}<dd class="myerrors">{{ field.errors }}</
> dd>{% endif %}
>         {% endfor %}
> baseshow.html.
>         {% for key, value in object.as_dict.items %}
>             <dt>{{ key.capitalize }}</dt>
>             <dd>{{ value }}</dd>
>         {% endfor %}
> These pages are called directly from my urls.py that uses the Generic
> views supported by django. In this sense, the baseform.html can be
> used by all model classes, because the ModelForm handles the
> presentation of each model attribute (excluding id) transparently.
> In baseshow.html I need to show the same attributes of a given model
> class, as done in baseform.html. In this case, the attributes
> (excluding id) must be presented in a read-only mode, with html labels
> instead of input widgets. To do it, i've implemented a "as_dict"
> method in each model class. This method only returns the
> "self.__dict__" attribute of the model classes, hence, the private
> attributes cannot be acessed from templates.
> The solution presented works, but it is ugly, because the id attribute
> must be verified on template and it needs to adjust the model class to
> work fine.
> Does Django offer another way to present the model attributes in a
> Show view? Is it possible to use a ModelForm class to show the
> attribute values in html labels?
> Thanks.
> Mario Hozano
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