I agree, and my basic idea was to enable the use of a stronger algo
than sha1, which is breakable too. Hashlib supports sha256 and sha
512. As I said in the ticket comment adding the app secret key could
mitigete the danger of a brute force attack on the sql dump of the

On 29 Ago, 20:29, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe I'm wrong but this patch define DEFAULT_ALGO at "django
> > installation" level. I think it shoud be defined at prject level.
> > something like this
> >>>> try:
> > ...     DEFAULT_ALGO = settings.DEFAULT_ALGO
> > ... except NameError:
> > ...     DEFAULT_ALGO = 'sha1'
> > does refer to project settings have some side issues I can't see?
> I'm of two minds on this:
> 1) it's nice to be able to set it once and forget it; as such,
> the above 4 lines are a nice addition.
> 2) MD5 andcrypthave known problems[1][2] so I can see
> justification in setting up roadblocks to change from SHA1 to a
> weaker alternative.  Seeing calls in the code explicitly
> requesting "crypt" or "md5" force the developer to make it clear
> that they *really* *do* want this weaker alternative -- even if
> it violates DRY.
> -tim
> [1]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md5
> [2]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypt_(Unix)
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