If you just want to have a clean working solution, have a look at
django-photologue (http://code.google.com/p/django-photologue/). It is
amazing, and really easy to integrate well. Also have a look at
sorl-thumbnail (http://code.google.com/p/sorl-thumbnail/).

If you want to write your own code and make it a bit cleaner, I think
you should first try to break things a bit more
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_concerns). For example,
having different picture sizes is a presentation problem, not a
persistence problem. So if you solve the that in a template tag, it
will probably be much cleaner.

Just my own 2 cents ... and yes, I know that I didnt really answer
your question ... sorry

  Good luck !

2008/8/29 drbig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi!
> Before I paste the code here is what I want to achieve:
> 1) All content is supplied via django admin, no custom upload/edit
> forms
> 2) The Photo class holds title and note (the text data), two images
> (full and thumb), and stats data of hits and comments count
> 3) The stamp should be updated only when the text data or full image
> change (only full as...)
> 4) When image is uploaded it should be resized if too large and the
> thumbnail should be auto(re)generated
> Here is the code:
> from django.db import models
> from django.conf import settings
> from PIL import Image
> from datetime import datetime as dt
> import md5, time, os
> class Tag(models.Model):
>        stamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True)
>        name = models.CharField(max_length = 32)
>        class Meta:
>                ordering = ['name']
>                get_latest_by = '-stamp'
>        def __unicode__(self):
>                return self.name
> class Photo(models.Model):
>        stamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
>        title = models.CharField(max_length = 255)
>        note = models.TextField()
>        content_hash = models.CharField(max_length = 32, editable = False)
>        upload_image = models.ImageField(upload_to = 'photos/tmp', blank =
> True)
>        ifull = models.CharField(max_length = 128, editable = False)
>        ithumb = models.CharField(max_length = 128, editable = False)
>        image_hash = models.CharField(max_length = 32, editable = False)
>        hits = models.PositiveIntegerField(default = 0, editable = False)
>        comments_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default = 0, editable =
> False)
>        tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
>        class Meta:
>                ordering = ['-stamp']
>                get_latest_by = '-stamp'
>        def __unicode__(self):
>                return self.title
>        def save(self):
>                try:
>                        new_hash =
> md5.new(self.upload_image.read(num_bytes = 1024)).hexdigest()
>                        if new_hash != self.image_hash:
>                                if self.ifull:
>                                        name = self.ifull.split('/')
> [-1]
>                                else:
>                                        name = str(int(time.time())) +
> '.jpg'
>                                img =
> Image.open(self.upload_image.path)
>                                img.load()
>                                self.upload_image.delete(save = False)
>                                if img.size > (800, 600):
>                                        img.thumbnail((800, 600),
>                                img.save(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'photos/
> full/' + name, 'jpeg')
>                                img.thumbnail((128, 128),
>                                img.save(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'photos/
> thumb/' + name, 'jpeg')
>                                self.ifull = '/data/photos/full/' +
> name
>                                self.ithumb = '/data/photos/thumb/' +
> name
>                                self.image_hash = new_hash
>                                self.stamp = dt.now()
>                except Exception, e:
>                        pass
>                new_hash = md5.new(self.title + self.note).hexdigest()
>                if new_hash != self.content_hash:
>                        self.content_hash = new_hash
>                        self.stamp = dt.now()
>                super(Photo, self).save()
>        def delete(self):
>                if self.ifull:
>                        name = self.ifull.split('/')[-1]
>                        try:
>                                os.remove(settings.MEDIA_ROOT +
> 'photos/thumb/' + name)
>                                os.remove(settings.MEDIA_ROOT +
> 'photos/full/' + name)
>                        except Exception, e:
>                                pass
>                super(Photo, self).delete()
> class Comment(models.Model):
>        stamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
>        ip = models.IPAddressField()
>        signature = models.CharField(max_length = 64)
>        content = models.TextField()
>        photo = models.ForeignKey(Photo)
>        class Meta:
>                ordering = ['-stamp']
>                get_latest_by = '-stamp'
>        def __unicode__(self):
>                return self.content
>        def save(self):
>                self.photo.comments_count += 1
>                self.photo.save()
>                super(Comment, self).save()
>        def delete(self):
>                self.photo.comments_count -= 1
>                self.photo.save()
>                super(Comment, self).delete()
> As you can see, I'm using a temporary filed for image upload and
> (hackish) code to make the thumbnail and generate urls, delete files
> when removing, update the stamp only when necessary etc...
> At first I was trying to use two ImageFields, so the uploaded image
> will be the full image (resized if necessary), and the thumb generated
> from the full image, but it is impossible to assign to an empty
> ImageField anything that works right, and the .url attribute never
> worked okey (the best i got was upload_to + filename). I have static
> files served from another url ('/data' as you should figure out from
> the code).
> I think that it would be nice if i could do something like that:
> 1) full_image is ImageField with uploaded image, upload_to='photos/
> full'
> 2) thumb_image is an empty ImageFIeld, upload_to='photos/thumb')
> 3) they both have somehow set base_url to '/data', so for example
> full_image.url should be '/data/photos/full/name' (base_url +
> upload_to + filename)
> img = Image.open(full_image.path)
> if img.size > (800, 600):
>  img.thumbnail((800, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS)
> img.save(full_image.file, 'jpeg') # this is _really_ what it should
> work like.... :S
> full_image.rename(_generated_name_)
> thumb_image.new(_generated_name_) # creates a file in the directory
> it's already assigned to, as when uploading...
> img.thumbnail((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS)
> img.save(thumb_image.file, 'jpeg')
> # DONE!
> and now:
> full_image.url -> '/data/photos/full/_generated_name_'  (base_url +
> upload_to + filename)
> full_image.path -> '/mediaroot/photos/full/
> _generated_name_' (media_root + upload_to + filename)
> Huh, I hope you understand what I have on mind... Any ideas how to
> make my code cleaner will be appreciated! :)
> >

Skype : Guillaume.Lederrey
Projects :
* http://rwanda.ledcom.ch/
* http://trock.ch/
Others :
* http://kiva.org/

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