
It should be trivial to most of you...

When I create an instance form, do I need to explicitely transfer the
values of the fields that are not used in the form ?
(I mean with "transfer" : copy the values from the instance before
editing to the instance after editing).

Here is an example :
I have a model named Person which owns a boolean field (named "active"
such as to deactivate a person without suppressing the record in the

I use that view (partim) :

 def person_edit(request, person_name):
   person = Person.objects.get(name__iexact=person_name)
   personForm = forms.models.form_for_instance(person)
   if request.method == 'POST':
       form = personForm(request.POST)
       if form.is_valid():
           p = form.save()

I don't use the "active" field in my form template. When I edit a
record, the "active" field becomes false.

I would have expected that the values of non-used fields would have
been kept unchanged.

I read the docs but I see no mention of this (or I missed it). Where
would I find exhaustive docs about this behaviour ? (I know an answer
: in the code ..., but something for simple humans).




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