True but I wanted to organize my folder a bit because there's not just
one photo per pet, there could be quite a lot more than one photo per
pet. First, I'd rather not have a million _ at the end of a file
because everyone named their file cute1.jpg. Anyway, I got it to work,
code below. (It's not the greatest code I've ever written but it seems
to work)

class AddPhotoForm(forms.Form):
    # Categories is just a list of photo categories that a user can
choose from.
    # I disable them by selecting show_in_sidebar=False, hence the
    categories =
    title = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
    category = forms.ChoiceField(choices=categories)
    image = forms.ImageField()

def handle_uploaded_file(f, pet_id):
    filename =
    while os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
'pet_photos', pet_id, filename)):
        if filename[len(filename[:-4]):-3] == '.': # 3 char extension
(ie. .jpg)
            filename = filename[:-4] + '_' +
        elif filename[len(filename[:-5]):-4] == '.':  # 4 char
extension (ie. .jpeg)
            filename = filename[:-5] + '_' +
        else: # who knows, append it to the beginning
            filename = '_' + filename
    destination = open(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'pet_photos',
pet_id, filename), 'wb+')
    for chunk in f.chunks():
    return os.path.join('pet_photos', pet_id, filename)

def add_pet_photo(request, pet_id):
    this_pet = get_object_or_404(Pet, id=pet_id)
    # using custom user model because I'm rewriting a web app
    user =
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if this_pet.owner == user: # Make sure pet belongs to this
            form = AddPhotoForm(data=request.POST,
            if form.is_valid():
                filename =
handle_uploaded_file(request.FILES['image'], pet_id)
                c =
                m = Media(title=form.cleaned_data['title'],
category=c, type='P', pet=this_pet, image=filename)
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/photos/' + pet_id)
            return HttpResponse("Not your pet")
        form = AddPhotoForm()
    return render_to_response('photos/add_photo.html', {'pet':
this_pet, 'form': form }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

So it seems to work, probably not the most pythonic way of doing it
but it gets the job done.
On Sep 3, 9:00 am, TiNo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Question, why do you need to create a folder for every pet? Why not throw
> all pet photos in one folder?That would solve your problem as well.

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