If it's any consolation, I've had the the same bugs.  I kept getting
the same reverse lookup function error whenever I tried to render the
comments form.  I looked through all my comments directories, and
deleted all .pyc files.  I finally got rid of all my reverse()
problems after I searched my entire hard drive and deleted every .pyc
file on it.

After that, I was having the same url problems that you had, Mark.  I
tried the fix that you posted, and I finally got it to work.  I was
never able to get it to work as documented.

I finally gave up on the comments thing, and I decided that I'm going
to roll my own comments system in a couple of weeks.  I would have to
tweak the current comments framework substantially anyway to fit what
I need, regardless.


On Sep 16, 10:31 am, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Finally - I got comments to work - but not correctly :-(
> Django version - svn:9003
> Urls conf ..
>     (r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
> I tried everything:
>  - Deleted django/contrib/comments*.pyc files (a number of times)
>  - updated to svn latest (a number of times :) )
> I finally got an idea from another thread in this group - where
> someone said if they manually added the django.contrib.comments.urls
> directly to their app url conf then it worked. I did that - and I got
> it working too.
> But that leaves my wondering why I can't it working the way it's
> documented.
> One thing that I noticed is that the django/contrib/comments/urls.py
> is not getting imported (no pyc file is being created).
> So the problem I am having must be due to URL confs, and more than
> likely to this urlconf not being included correctly :-(
> The following doesn' t work in my app urls.py...
> urlpatterns += patterns('',
>     (r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
> )
> But in the same app urls.py the following DOES work...
> urlpatterns += patterns('django.contrib.comments.views',
>     url(r'^comments/post/$',          'comments.post_comment',
> name='comments-post-comment'),
>     url(r'^comments/posted/$',        'comments.comment_done',
> name='comments-comment-done'),
>     url(r'^comments/flag/(\d+)/$',    'moderation.flag',
> name='comments-flag'),
>     url(r'^comments/flagged/$',       'moderation.flag_done',
> name='comments-flag-done'),
>     url(r'^comments/delete/(\d+)/$',  'moderation.delete',
> name='comments-delete'),
>     url(r'^comments/deleted/$',       'moderation.delete_done',
> name='comments-delete-done'),
>     url(r'^comments/moderate/$',      'moderation.moderation_queue',
> name='comments-moderation-queue'),
>     url(r'^comments/approve/(\d+)/$', 'moderation.approve',
> name='comments-approve'),
>     url(r'^comments/approved/$',      'moderation.approve_done',
> name='comments-approve-done'),
> )
> urlpatterns += patterns('',
>     url(r'^comments/cr/(\d+)/(\w+)/$',
> 'django.views.defaults.shortcut', name='comments-url-redirect'),
> )
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
>   Mark
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