
Thanx for the answer on code execution. As far as the import issue is 
concerned. I'll have a look at importing specifics. I wouldn't want you to have 
to dig through my code to find a syntactic typo ... :-)



Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Sep 16, 10:08 pm, Gerard Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Daniel,
>> Great one! Your suggested setup works, in the front-end that is. I have 
>> quite some classes subclassed from ModelAdmin (including ProductAdmin), 
>> however the "form = ProductForm" line breaks my app. I've tried several 
>> import statements to get the droplist to work in the admin part. This one 
>> worked: "from myforms import ProductForm" however for some strange reason it 
>> now breaks on Meta class for the CustomerForm:
>> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/85458/
>> ... completely dazzled .. Any tips?
> Urgh, not enough information. My only clue would be that 'from foo
> import *' is a recipe for disaster - you're importing everything in
> the module into your namespace, and that means things could be
> overwritten somewhere. Use 'from models import MyModel, MyOtherModel'
> and 'from django import forms' (then refer to forms.ModelForm etc).
>> One concept Q: Why is it that the DB query statements to 'build' the 
>> BTW_CHOICES don't get executed in models.py and do get executed in the 
>> myforms.py
> It's because the model is defined declaratively: that is, each of the
> model fields is declared as a class-level attribute, and Django uses
> some clever metaclass stuff to actually turn them into instance
> properties (way over my head, I'm afraid). So you can't put dynamic
> code there - it would only ever get executed once, when the model is
> first defined.
> What we've done with the form is override the __init__ method which is
> called whenever a new form is instantiated. So our query is executed
> every time, making the choices dynamic.
> --
> DR.
> > 

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