I am using Stdimage instead of the native models.ImageField to have
scaling and thumbnail support. With the former 0.97 release Stdimage
just worked perfect. Now I tried to use it with Django 1.0, and of
course I also updated Stdimage to the newest svn-release.

But when uploading an Image I run into trubble: I get an TypeError
unsubscriptable object.

File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers
\base.py" in get_response
  86.                 response = callback(request, *callback_args,
File "D:\projects\openContext\src\pictures\views.py" in add_picture
  46.             picture = Picture(gallery = gallery, image =
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\db\models
\base.py" in __init__
  266.         signals.post_init.send(sender=self.__class__,
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\dispatch
\dispatcher.py" in send
  148.             response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender,
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\stdimage\fields.py" in
  110.             filename = self.generate_filename(instance,
os.path.basename(getattr(instance, self.name).path))
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\fields
\files.py" in _get_path
  49.         return self.storage.path(self.name)
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\files
\storage.py" in path
  202.             path = safe_join(self.location, name)
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\_os.py" in
  13.     final_path = normcase(abspath(join(base, *paths)))
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\ntpath.py" in join
  67.         elif isabs(b):
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\ntpath.py" in isabs
  53.     s = splitdrive(s)[1]
File "C:\Programme\Python24\lib\ntpath.py" in splitdrive
  119.     if p[1:2] == ':':

Any ideas how to fix this bug, or better - what am I doing wrong?

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