I know this may be a stupid question but please bear with me. Here is
my problem

In views.py I have a multiple methods, where each method is mapped to
a unique model. There may be multiple methods mapped to the same
model. But no method in views.py is mapped to multiple models.

For a GET/POST request, we have mapped a form object to the request
method. To display the form on the HTML page, we have to do
{{form.as_p}} or {{form.as_ul} and so on.. But we have to display it
differently with div tags using css files.

If I have to do it individually, then I would have to this as follows

<div class = "">Name</div> <div class= "">{{form.name}</div> and so

Question 1 : Is there a way we can do it?

The reason I am asking this is because we have 20 html forms and we
would like to make it as automated as possible by invoking this
method. What I am hoping for is something like this. Ideally this is
what I hope to do.

In my urls. py I could define the model


urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^login/$', views.object_list, {'model': models.User}),
    (r'^customers/([A-Za-z0-9].*/$', views.object_list, {'model':

In My views.py, I could return the same key for any number of models,
only my template would change

def login(request, model):
    user = model.objects.filter(username = 'abcedf')
    return render_to_response('success.html', {'form', user})

def getCustomer(request, customer_name model):
  customer = model.objects.filter(name = customer_name)
 return render_to_response('success.html', {'form', customer})

In my success html page

I would display them as


Any help/suggestions would be more than welcome.

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