Hi, I want to provide unique attributes to each radio button in a
RadioSelect widget to integrate with several AJAX effects.  Ideally
the code produce would look something like this:

  <li><label for="id_book_type_0"><input type="radio"
id="id_book_type_0" value="all" name="book_type"
onclick="checkStatus(1);"/> All books</label></li>
  <li><label for="id_book_type_1"><input type="radio"
id="id_book_type_1" value="inprint" name="book_type"
onclick="checkStatus(1);"/> In print books</label></li>
  <li><label for="id_book_type_2"><input type="radio"
id="id_book_type_2" value="outofprint" name="book_type"
onclick="checkStatus(1);" /> Out of print books</label></li>
  <li><label for="id_book_type_3"><input type="radio"
id="id_book_type_3" value="outofprint" name="book_type"
onclick="checkStatus(2);" /> Only these books</label></li>

Basically, when the last radio button is selected, the JS code will
enable another field with a list of books.  That list would be
disabled when one of the first 3 bullets are selected.

I can't find a way to do this natively with newforms, but it seems
like this would be a pretty common use case so I may be missing
something.  When I construct the form field, it looks like this:

book_type = forms.ChoiceField(
        choices = BOOKCHOICES,

And this makes the onclick attribute for every radio button the

So, my questions are:

1. Can this be done natively with newforms?
2. If not, how have people solved this in the past (subclass the
RadioSelect widget?)
3. Does this functionality make sense to include in newforms?

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