On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 13:29 -0400, Steve Holden wrote:
> Alexis Bellido wrote:
> > Cool, thanks for the confirmation. I'm still devouring all the
> > documentation, a couple of books and practicing a lot on Django :)
> >   
> One of the things I find tricksiest about learning new Django code is
> that the connections between the URLs and the views can often turn out
> to be a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. It's difficult (for
> me, anyway - maybe there's some obvious technique I have overlooked) to
> trace which pieces of code and which URLs are associated.

Hmm... this is getting off-topic a bit for this thread, but can you
elaborate a bit more on what you mean here? I can't say this was
something that every seemed tricky to me with Django, but I know
different people learn and think differently, so it would be interesting
to hear where there hidden shoals might be.

It feels like it should be as simple as being a reg-exp pattern that
captures some parameters and calls a view passing in those parameters
and possible some extra ones. You can also give each pattern a name.

I'm not mocking here. I'd like to hear how this can be hard so that I
can at least experiment with some alternative explanations in the future
when talking to people.


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