Could this problem be in the handler in django? If not I
suppose I need to look at mod_wsgi and quit asking here :)

On Oct 7, 4:05 pm, Merrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need urls that contain other urls within them i.e.
> I am using Apache 2.2.3-4, mod_wsgi 2.0-1 and have
> "AllowEncodedSlashes On" within my virtualhost conf file, this setting
> allows me to have encoded slashes in the path_info without having
> apache return a fake 404.
> My includes:
> def find(request, url):
>     import urllib
>     url = urllib.unquote_plus(url)
>     form = FindForm({'url': url,})
>     return render_to_response('find.html', { 'form': form, 'request':
> request })
> The template find.html includes a line {{ request.path_info }} to
> print out the path_info.
> Firefox shows the second encoded forward slash is removed when calling
> this url:
>  prints out:
> /find/http:/
> The django test client prints out the second forward slash
> >>> ./
> >>> from django.test.client import Client
> >>> c = Client()
> >>> response = c.get('/bookmarklet/')
> >>> response.content
> '/find/'
> I did not include anything about my regular expression in up
> until this point because it is not related to this problem from what I
> can tell, but in case you are wondering I was trying to capture the
> url after find/ - my regex looks like this r'^find/(?P<url>(.*))$'
> Thanks for looking at this,
> Merrick
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