On Oct 26, 12:32 pm, "Adam Fast" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's worth mentioning as well that the Django "built-in" dev server is
> single-threaded the last time I heard, and with transferring large
> files / the application itself, I see a lot of your users getting
> "busy signals" so to speak from the server when they request pages. A
> few thousand pageviews a day is really too much to expect from it,
> especially when 30 or so people are all needing reports. As Alex
> mentioned, mod_wsgi requires only the .wsgi file to be touched in
> order to reload code. I think you're going to need Apache with several
> listeners to get an acceptable level of performance.

The touching of the WSGI script file to trigger a reload of the WSGI
application when using mod_wsgi only applies if the application has
been delegated to run in a mod_wsgi daemon mode process. Thus the
feature not available when running mod_wsgi on Windows since it has no
daemon mode, and it also wouldn't work on UNIX systems if the default
of running it in embedded mode applies.

Many people don't seem to understand that this reload feature only
works in daemon mode. Many times have seen on #django irc channel it
suggested to use mod_wsgi for this reason, yet people then can't get
it working because they don't realise daemon mode has to be used. This
is in part because many people who go to #django irc channel don't
bother reading documentation and just want quick answers. So please,
if you are going to suggest mod_wsgi for this reason, please qualify
it by saying that you do need to however be using mod_wsgi daemon mode
on UNIX systems to run the application.

Question now is what you think the problem may be by saying 'I think
you're going to need Apache with several listeners to get an
acceptable level of performance'. If using embedded mode, or even a
single mod_wsgi daemon mode process, the default configurations would
be more than adequate for the load the OP is talking about, as it
would even be for most of your average sites people would run.


> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 12:27 AM, gniquil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am deploying something for my immediate group in my company, which
> > has about 30 or so people. My app (report) would be viewed at most a
> > few thousand times day (which would already be more than most of the
> > current php apps out there in my group). I would like to know if it's
> > ok to break all the rules such as running the default server and also
> > use it for media (which primarily consists of some ~500k large flash
> > files -- I am using Flex front end).
> > By the way, I really like this micro-app architecture about django,
> > unlike pylons. I am primarily using it for generating business reports/
> > dashboards (converting large excel files to simple web apps). And this
> > way of loading small apps really works well.
> > The reason I don't want to use apache is primarily due to 1. restarts
> > 2. lacking root access.
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