On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:58 PM, Graham Dumpleton <

> If there are definite idle periods of reasonable size, perhaps look at
> 'inactivity-timeout' option to WSGIDaemonProcess. This way daemon
> process will be restarted when doing nothing, and providing that
> preloading not configured using WSGIImportScript, then process size
> will be quite small until next needed, at which point it will load
> application again.
> To counter risk of daemon process growing in size because of memory
> creep in application you don't know about, also look at 'maximum-
> requests' option to WSGIDaemonProcess.

Indeed both these options sound useful. I already use MaxRequestsPerChild
for Apache, but having the same for the Python daemon process makes sense.
The inactivity-timeout will be useful since I have cronjobs that run during
low traffic hours to do random work and will benefit from more available

(My WSGIDaemonProcess line is becoming a little too long, can it be split to
multiple lines?)

> If Apache/mod_wsgi only handling dynamic content, wouldn't see that
> event MPM would make any difference. If only handling dynamic content,
> turning off keep alive on Apache may help though as unlikely one will
> get concurrent requests over same socket for dynamic web page, and so
> can give up client connection straight away and not tie up Apache
> processes/threads for period that timeout takes to trigger for keep
> alive.

Yep, Keep-Alive off makes a decent difference when I'm benchmarking a single
dynamic script with some concurrency (and the benchmarking client is
explicitly not reusing connections). And since I dont have many (any?) cases
of immediate follow up requests, Keep-Alive is not very useful for now. I am
quite amazed at how well mod_wsgi performs for my simple wsgi applications

> In respect of having nginx in front, one of the over benefits of that
> was that nginx could have been quite selective about the URLs that it
> was proxying. That way if you get a SPAM bot or similar hitting the
> site, it could have been blocked at nginx without even going through
> to Apache/mod_wsgi, presuming that such a bot was hitting known URLs
> for security holes in PHP packages or the like. One may also have been
> able to filter SPAM bot traffic at nginx level through user agent or
> other things. Thus, nginx could have further been used as a filter
> point to limit traffic going through to Apache.

That's interesting. I wonder if Apache could be made to reject such
requests. I like the current simple setup - I want to avoid adding Nginx to
the mix :)

> > WSGIPythonOptimize 1
> Surprised if this will make much difference. Worth a try but don't
> expect it to do much. For a start, as it is a long running process,
> any benefit at process start when loading smaller .pyo files is only
> for that time and not later when handling actual requests.

I wasnt sure if this was needed or not - but as long as it doesnt do harm,
I'm inclined to keep it.

> > <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
> >     StartServers          30
> >     MinSpareServers       30
> >     MaxClients            30
> > </IfModule>
> If not using PHP on same Apache, better to use Apache worker MPM as
> then cut down on number of Apache child process and still just as
> capable at handling load of static files and proxying to mod_wsgi
> daemon processes.

PHP is indeed why you're seeing this here - but finally once I'm done with
my current migration, the last PHP site will be gone. I was planning on
switching to worker, but just yesterday realized that my distro only comes
with the prefork mpm. So if I'm going to be building a custom Apache package
anyways, maybe I should go with event. mod_wsgi is already a custom package,
so rebuilding that is a non issue.

> >     Alias /media/ /data/daaku/media/
> >     <Directory /data/daaku/media/>
> >         SetHandler None
> The 'SetHandler None' should not be needed here. This was a mod_python
> requirement but mod_wsgi shouldn't need it.

Took it out. Less is always better :)


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