On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 7:48 AM, leonel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ive downloaded the tar.gz from
> http://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.0.1/tarball/
> and the  md5sum does not match the md5sum from:
> http://media.djangoproject.com/pgp/Django-1.0.1-final.checksum.txt

OK, so here's what happened:

1. When I rolled the release last night, I did 'python manage.py
sdist' to generate the package, then uploaded it to the
djangoproject.com server.
2. I then made my fatal error, which was that I uploaded it to the
Cheese Shop via 'python setup.py sdist upload'.
3. And then I did the checksums and placed the signed file on djangoproject.com.

Astute readers will notice what I did not, namely that step 2
re-generated the package, resulting in a tarball whose constituent
files and directories have slightly different creation times than the
package from step 1. And as a result, the checksums of the package
generated in step 2 are different from the checksums of the package
generated in step 1 -- even though their unpacked contents are
identical -- because 'tar' stores information about creation time in
the resulting compressed file.

So I've replaced the package on djangoproject.com with the copy
generated in step 2 above, and we've verified that its contents and
its checksums match exactly.

Your friendly local release manager apologizes for the inconvenience,
and will now go find someplace to hang his head in shame.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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