On Sat, 2008-11-15 at 21:36 -0800, Chuck22 wrote:
> Because my application works fine with Django development server
> (http://locahost:8000) on the same machine, I assume the problem does
> not reside in my application code. Then it must be due to the
> configuration of Apache.

Presumably that's a reply to my question about why you are suspecting
your VirtualHost configuration? Or is it an answer to something else?

>  Do I need to modify my code to make it work
> with Apache/mod_python?

Not necessarily, but you'll see what the real error is and why Django is
raising it. The error you posted the first time was Django reporting a
different problem (that you're missing a 500.html template). Now that we
can see the real error, it help narrow down whether it's a configuration
issue, or a file permission issue (which could be one difference) or a
database access issue (another difference), etc.

In this case, seeing the error suggests almost immediately what the
problem is likely to be:

> Here is the information after I set DEBUG=True.
> *********************************************
> ViewDoesNotExist at /
> Could not import views. Error was: No module named viewsRequest
> Method: GET
> Request URL: http://www.domain.com/
> Exception Type: ViewDoesNotExist
> Exception Value: Could not import views. Error was: No module named
> views
> Exception Location: C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\django\core
> \urlresolvers.py in _get_callback, line 132
> Python Executable: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation
> \Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe
> Python Version: 2.5.2
> Traceback Switch to copy-and-paste view

See that last line? In future, it will be better to click on that and
use the cut-and-paste view when cutting and pasting. Makes things a lot
easier to read. The view you pasted is good for viewing in a web
browser, but it's obviously a bit verbose for an email message. Not to
worry this time, since you've provided the information needed, but keep
it in mind for the future.

Trimming the next bunch of lines -- since they're important to know, but
in this case just say the problem occurred when trying to resolve the
initial URL -- we get to this:

> Exception Value: Could not import views. Error was: No module named
> views

So it cannot import a particular file. This suggests one of two
problems. Either your Python path isn't set correctly (how to set that
is documented in Django's mod_python documentation) or Apache doesn't
have permission to read the file or one of the directories leading to
the file.

Check your Python path to make sure it includes the parent directories
of everything you import. If that's correct, check that Apache has
permission to read the necessary files (I have absolutely no idea what
permission setting/enforcement involves on a Windows system).


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