I'm looking for an elegant way of stepping through my models from
within my template tags.

I have 3 model classes chained by many-to-many relationships, viz
Category --> Item --> Detail.  This model pertains to resume data,
e.g., Category='Education', Item='Univ1', Detail='Biology
coursework'.  Each model class has various subfields which I would
like to display on the final resume page.

I have tried various approaches involving {% for %} loops, and each
has resulted in failure.  Each of my attempts requires using a
variable name as a model's attribute lookup.  Unfortunately, it seem
the Django templating language attempts to access the variable's name,
not its value.

Approach 1):

I have pulled the field names from metadata in the view:

fields = []
for f in Item._meta.fields:

{% for c in categories %}
  {% for i in c.items.all %}
    {% for f in fields %}
      {{ i.f }}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

There's no resulting output, indicating Django was looking for an "f"
attribute to the Item instance contained in "i".

I was thinking about using a {% with %} block to concatenate the value
of "f" to the end of the "i" Item instance.  It just seems incredibly
inelegant to have to explicitly list every field name I want


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