On Mon, 2008-11-24 at 13:07 +0200, Donn wrote:
> Further info,
> Looks like from within a widget there's no easy way to find the Form. I'd a 
> thunk there'd be a Parent attribute, but there ain't.

The way Django does this is fairly normal design practice. Normal OO
implementation practice is the hierarchical dependencies only go one
way, not having references both "down" and "up". The widget is at the
bottom of the hierarchy and is intentionally a fairly simple object. All
it has to know how to do is render itself into HTML, given an initial
value. The "smarts" of a field (e.g. validation) lie in the Field class
and tying fields together to make an holistic form is the Form class
(and above or next to that is the ModelForm class that knows how to make
a form from a model).

There's no need for a widget to know that something is a "model id",
since widgets don't care about models or what an id is. All it wants to
know is "what should I render?" However, one might want to pass the
model id down as some kind of initial data to a field and thus to the
widget for rendering.

When designing these sorts of things, it often helps to remember that
the same data "value" can move through a number of semantic roles: it's
a model id at the ModelForm level, say, but by the time a Widget
subclass is dealing with it, it's just initial data. Keeps things in


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