Ahh great - many thanks. I did wonder this but without better
documentation I could not be certain. I currently build a list from my
sql query so this should be no problem.

Much appreciated.

On Nov 26, 12:47 pm, Thomas Kerpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am 26.11.2008 13:19 Uhr, huw_at1 schrieb:> A small part of my framework 
> queries a non-Django db due to it being a
> > legacy db with primary keys already in use. My question is is there a
> > recognised way of applying pagination to non-Django db objects such
> > that I can paginate the sql select query on this database?
> I am not shure I had understand your question correct.
> The Django paginator works with lists/tuples, so all you have to do is
> either let your "other DB" act like a list/tuple, or build a small
> wrapper that allows the [from:to] syntax and a count() or __len__() method.
> If that don't work you can of course overload the Paginator itself. I
> have done this [1] for CouchDB which has not yet any compatible wrapper
> and uses a completely different approach as it is an document-oriented
> database. My code is more a hack but it works well.
> I would recommend to use the first approach if possible.
> This is only my opinion and is of course not in any way official.
> //Thomas
> [1]http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1208/
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