
I didn't want to go to bed without implementing some functionality, so
I went ahead with my <a href> idea. This is what I implemented:

{% block options %}  <p><a href="http://localhost:8000/sam/quote/
delete/{{ object.id }}">delete</a>{% endblock %}

It works just fine, but it depresses me to think I need to be
hardcoding these sorts of things when I'm sure there must be a cool
django way of doing it.

Any tips on more elegant ways of implementing this would be most


On Nov 26, 10:19 pm, dash86no <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sorry to ask what I feel must be a simple question, but I've just
> spent the last hour trawling through the documentation, and can't for
> the life for me find out how to add a "delete button" to a form.
> I've set up a generic view:
>        (r'^quote/delete/(?P<object_id>\d+)/$',
> 'django.views.generic.create_update.delete_object', dict(quote_info,
> post_delete_redirect='/sam/')),
> Which I've tested and seems to be working ok. (The documentation, by
> the way, didn't mention anything about requiring
> foo_confirm_delete.html but I guess that's not too hard to figure out
> from the error message)
> The thing is, I want to work out how to add a delete button to my:
> (r'^quote/(?P<object_id>\d+)/$',
> 'django.views.generic.create_update.update_object', dict(quote_info,
> post_save_redirect='/sam/')),
> Now I understand that I must edit the template to make this happen.
> The thing is, and to give you some insight on the challenges for a
> noob to web development, I'm never sure when I should be using django/
> python and when I need to use good old fashioned HTML.
> I could I suppose fairly easily stick a link on the template that
> redirects to my generic delete URL. However, one of my aims with this
> project is to try to do everything as intelligently as possible, so I
> wonder if there is any way I can include django save and add another/
> delete/cancel widgets onto the form automatically?
> I'll eventually be wanting to put those "edit in line" green cross
> buttons onto foreign key input fields too, so I'm thinking django must
> have a standard sort of widget set to allow this?
> Cheers,
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