On Dec 1, 3:48 pm, ttw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bit worrying that you consider the traceback to be 'gumph' ...

Gumph in the sense that it didn't seem awfully relevant in this case,
as the exception was reasonably self-explanatory. I'm very grateful
for Python's stack trace in other circumstances, though I've found
that there are cases where Django magic seems to make the errors and
the stack more confusing than I think they ought be.

> the error says specifically that the 'created' column cannot be null,
> it sounds like your DB and model are out of sync.

I'd just done a manage.py flush, so I'm guessing DB vs model was all
in order.

> there are a couple of ways to munge the logic to make it work but i'm
> sure you'll figure out what's best for your own scenario.

My just-tried hack involves dumping the values of the Person object
into the new User too. I'm surprised there isn't a more clean and
correct way of doing it though, given that I'm probably going to cry
any time I want to create a "created" field in the User table!

Cheers anyhow!

> On Nov 30, 1:24 pm, Fergus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have an inheritance system for defining people.
> > So there's a class Person, and sub-class User thus:
> > class Person(models.Model):
> >     ''' A person! '''
> >     firstname = models.CharField("first name", max_length = 128,
> > help_text = "(required)")
> >     lastname = models.CharField("last name", max_length = 128,
> > help_text = "(required)")
> >     email = models.EmailField("email address", unique = True,
> > help_text = "(required)")
> >     groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group, blank = True, through =
> > 'Membership', related_name = 'group_set', verbose_name = "group
> > memberships")
> >     created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
> >     last_modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True)
> > class User(Person):
> >     ''' Persons who are also users '''
> >     password = models.CharField(max_length = 40, blank = True,
> > editable = False)
> > I would like to add child classes after previously having an object as
> > only a parent - so at some point in time a Person can become a User.
> > So I try this in the manage.py shell:
> > >>> from MyPidge.Users.models import Person, User
> > >>> myuser = Person.objects.create(firstname = "Fergus", lastname = 
> > >>> "Ferrier", email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
> > >>> myuser.save()
> > After myuser.save() there is a Person row in the DB, and all appears
> > well.
> > >>> newu = User(password = "hello")
> > >>> newu.person_ptr_id = myuser.id
> > [ also tried person = myuser and person_ptr = myuser]>>> newu.save()
> > ... Traceback gumph ...
> > Warning: Column 'created' cannot be null
> > There is no User row, and the Person row now has blank values except
> > for the last modified field.
> > Please tell me if I've done something totally crazy. I only want to
> > add children after-the-fact...
> > Many thanks,
> > Ferg
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