On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 12:51 +0100, Elvis Stansvik wrote:
> Hello django-users, first post to this list :)
> I often use the i18n support of Django in my projects, and I have a
> small annoyance/problem that maybe someone can help me with.
> If I decide to customize e.g. admin/index.html, by copying it over
> from django to my project, strings in that template such as "My
> Actions" will now be treated as untranslated by manage.py makemessages
> -a, even though they are indeed translated in Django's own django.po.
> This is all logical and all, and I can see why it is so, but it makes
> my project's django.po unnecessarily cluttered with "untranslated"
> strings that I in fact don't have translate, since they are translated
> in Django's own django.po.

There isn't a way to do this. Worth looking at whether there's a simple
way to do this, although I can see it being slightly controversial: if
some string is in Django's core, but not translated for language X,
people are going to complain that they cannot translate it in there PO
file because it's not included and they're being held hostage by the
upstream Django translator. Adding yet another option is a possibility,
although it's way down the list of preferred options, since adding
options is always sub-optimal.


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