You can use the standard css from the admin for your both the admin
pages as the custom reports.
Just load the admin css and follow the same html.

Works for me.


On Dec 4, 12:04 am, Margie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks - yes, that is pretty much the approach I am planning to take,
> but I just figured I'd see if there was anything interesting out there
> that would give me a spiffy look and feel for the reporting pages.
> One thing that I find confusing is how to come up with a color
> scheme.  I know that seems sort of low priority, but I swear the first
> thing people notice is if your colors are "ugly" or very basic looking
> (ie, black and white).
> Anyway, I will proceed with putting the models together as that is
> clearly the meat of the project at this poitn.  I just learned about
> CRUD tonight, and I can see how that is very nice.
> Thanks,
> Margie
> On Dec 3, 5:59 pm, maeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Margie,
> > If you can think up a decent model, you might be able to setup the
> > core of the project management application in the Django contrib.admin
> > module.
> > Development will go fast as long as you can stay with standard CRUD
> > pages.
> > The admin model will also give you the user security hooks necessary
> > for the manager and employees.
> > As soon as you nee a need for reporting pages or ways to do things a
> > little more complex than the admin can give you, you can build custom
> > pages for those. But I would think you could have 80% of your app
> > running only by setting up the database models and nice admin pages.
> > Maeck
> > On Dec 3, 3:41 pm, Margie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > I would like to create a django project managment web app to be used
> > > internally in my company.  I am a software developer, but have little
> > > experience with web apps other than my recent work going through the
> > > sams django tutorial book.
> > > I'm wondering if anyone knows of any open source/free django web app
> > > that I might be able to use to get started on this project.  Let me
> > > describe the usage model to give you an idea of what I'm aiming for.
> > > At a very high level, the usage model for this web app is that a
> > > "manager" assigns tasks to "employees" on a weekly basis. Associated
> > > with each task is a set of measurements that must be performed by the
> > > employee as he/she does the task.  The measurements vary based on the
> > > task, and somemes the measurement is reported with a comment string,
> > > sometimes a number, or sometimes a check mark in one of 'n' radio
> > > boxes.   As the employees complete the tasks, they fill in the
> > > measurements.  At the end of the week, the manager can look at each
> > > task and review the resulting measurements, and based on that data,
> > > decide the next weeks'  tasks.
> > > Unlike a project mangament tool like MS Project, which helps you
> > > schedule and gannt chart the schedule, this is really a tool to for
> > > enhancing project communication.  It is intended to allow the manager
> > > to easily communicate tasks to the employees, get the results back,
> > > and then make decisions about what the next set of tasks sould be.
> > > All without having to spend a lot of time emailing and talking to
> > > people.  In the environement where it will be used, the manager is
> > > getting results back from maybe 100 different employees, each of which
> > > have a few tasks to do.  The data is not complex, but there is just
> > > too much of it to manage without a tool.  Currently folks are using
> > > wiki and excel, but in my opninion this is not really automated
> > > enough.
> > > My thought is that a django web client could provide a very simple and
> > > easy to use interface, and could also be extended to get all sorts of
> > > nice long term trend information.  For exmaple, t would be interesting
> > > to know if a project being run at site A executes task 'foo' more
> > > frequently or for longer periods of time than a project being run at
> > > site B.  As data is across multiple similar projects, it seems that it
> > > could be mined for lots of interesting info to help improve the
> > > productivity of future projects.
> > > Ok - so hopefully you get the idea.  Now for my questions:
> > > * Does anyone know of existing web apps (django or otherwise) like
> > > that already exists?
> > > * Does this sound like something that would be good to do in Django?
> > > * Does anyone know of any free/open source software (django based)
> > > that I could use as a starting point?  Not being a web developer, I
> > > know that if I do this from scratch, I will probably not do a great
> > > job.  No doubt there are a ton of intracacies to window layout, the
> > > structure of the models, the html templates, and other things I
> > > haven't even thought of.  So I'm thinking it would be great to
> > > bootstrap from some existing code, even if it doesn't do quite what I
> > > want.  I would be happy to contribute my own work back to the open
> > > source community.
> > > Thanks for any ideas!
> > > Margie- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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