Greetings All,

I've just finished the 0.1 version of django-batchimport and have
released it on

Go to for more
information (and SVN checkout).

This application can be added to any django project to give it batch
import capability via uploaded Microsoft Excel file (or other formats
saved as XLS). This allows for someone with a spreadsheet of, say,
users to easily upload it and add it all at once.

While batch importing in django is easy to do via fixtures, this
reusable app is aimed at being for non-developer end users of your web

The process by which this app does it's work is completely dynamic,
inspecting both the spreadsheet and the django models dynamically at
runtime. No prior knowledge of either the model into which the user is
importing or the spreadsheet uploaded is required.

The only prerequisite is John Machin's xlrd library (http://, python 2.5+, and django 1.0+.

See the website for full details and please drop me a note on the
django-batchimport-users group if you have questions or comments.

Thank you.

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