i am posting here to follow the "i found a bug" guide ...

let's assume i have a model like this:

class Test(models.Model):
    testname = models.CharField(max_length=60, null=False,
blank=False, unique=True)
    [... some more fields ...]
    def __str__(self):
        return self.testname

this models works perfectly as long as users only use ascii-characters
in the testname field. as soon as a user (in django.admin) enters a
german umlaut -for example- an error is thrown like this:

Caught an exception while rendering: ('ascii', u'German Umlaut\xfc',
20, 21, 'ordinal not in range(128)')

this error is reproducable with different database backends (i tested
sqlite3 and psycopg2) and the model above is reduced to the minimum to
reproduce. (probably you could remove null, blank and unique

i don't know where the error is produced, wether it is when the
template uses something like {{Test}} because {{Test.testname}}
works ... if 'testname' is used as foreignkey in other models and the
admin interface wants to render this as a dropdown with probably
something like <option='{{Test.pk}}">{{Test}}</option> this generates

so please help me if this is a bug ... :D

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