Hi Malcolm

Thanks for reply.

whatever you said i do agree.

I do not have huge dataset. whatevere i have given the records in table
(See earlier message of this discussion) that is fixed not going to be
as you said i wrote Level3 inside Level2

def latest_listing(request):
        listing_result = Listing_channels.objects.all().filter
(list_channel='Sight Seeing')
        for n in listing_result:
               print "N1.id : ", n.id
               if n.list_channel:
                               Q(list_parent_id = n.id)
        level2 = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
        for n in level2:
               print "N2.id : ", n.id
               if n.list_channel:
                               Q(list_parent_id = n.id)
                       print "QSET : ", qset
                       level3 = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct
                       for n in level3:
                                print "N3.id : ", n.id
                                if n.list_channel:
                                                qset=(Q(list_parent_id = n.id))

        level4 = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
        #sight_result = Listing_channels.objects.all().filter
        print "Listing Result : ", listing_result
        print "Level2 : ", level2
        print "Level3 : ", level3
        print "Level4 : ", level4
        #print "Sight Result : ", sight_result
        #return render_to_response('sight_seeing.html',
        return render_to_response('sight_seeing.html',

But even though my 'level3' list is empty.

here is my output

N1.id :  2
N2.id :  6
QSET :  (AND: ('list_parent_id', 6L))
N3.id :  12
N3.id :  13
N3.id :  14
N2.id :  7
QSET :  (AND: ('list_parent_id', 7L))
N2.id :  8
QSET :  (AND: ('list_parent_id', 8L))
N2.id :  9
QSET :  (AND: ('list_parent_id', 9L))
N2.id :  10
QSET :  (AND: ('list_parent_id', 10L))
N2.id :  11
QSET :  (AND: ('list_parent_id', 11L))
Listing Result :  [<Listing_channels: Sight Seeing>]
Level2 :  [<Listing_channels: Activities>, <Listing_channels:
Amusement park>, <Listing_channels: Art Galleries>, <Listing_channels:
Museums>, <Listing_channels: Parks>, <Listing_channels: Tour
Level3 :  []
Level4 :  []

I tried in other way too

def latest_listing(request):
    channels = Listing_channels.objects.all().filter(parent_id=0)
    print channels
    for channel in channels:
        subchannels = getsubchannels(channel.id)
        if subchannels:
            for subchannel in subchannels:
                categorys = getsubcategory(subchannel.id)
                if categorys:
                    for category in categorys:
                        print res
    return render_to_response("Restaurants.html",

def getsubchannels(channel):
    channels = Listing_channels.objects.all()
    for n in channels:
        if n.list_channel:
            qset = (
                  Q(parent_id = channel)
    subchannels = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
    return subchannels

def getsubcategory(channel):
    channels = Listing_channels.objects.all()
    for n in channels:
        if n.list_channel:
            qset = (
                  Q(parent_id = channel)
    subchannels = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
    return subchannels

On Jan 21, 2:26 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 00:43 -0800, Praveen wrote:
> > class Listing_channels(models.Model):
> >   list_parent_id = models.IntegerField(blank = True)
> >   list_channel = models.CharField(max_length = 20)
> >   visibility = models.BooleanField()
> >   index = djangosearch.ModelIndex(text=['list_channel'], additional=
> > [])
> >   def __unicode__(self):
> >     return self.list_channel
> >   def get_absolute_url(self):
> >     return u'%s' % self.list_channel
> > these are the records of list_channel
> > id   list_parent_id   list_channel
> > 1       0     Top Menu
> > 2       1     Sight Seeing
> > 3       1     Real Estate
> > 4       1     Shopping
> > 5       1     Restaurants
> > 6       2     Activities
> > 7       2     Amusement park 1
> > 8       2     Art Galleries
> > 9       2     Museums
> > 10       2     Parks
> > 11       2     Tour operators
> > 12       6     Bowling
> > 13       6     Dinner Cruises
> > 14       6     Diving
> > 15       3     Developers
> > 16       3     Orientation
> > 17       3     Real Estate Agents
> > 18       3     Relocation
> > I wanted to print like this for Sight Seeing see here
> >http://explocity.in/Dubai/sightseeing/activites/diving-sightseeing.html
> > i wrote in views.py
> > def latest_listing(request):
> >   listing_result = Listing_channels.objects.all().filter
> > (list_channel='Sight Seeing')
> >   for n in listing_result:
> >          print "N1.id : ", n.id
> >                if n.list_channel:
> Are you mixing tabs and spaces in your source code? Because this isn't
> legal Python syntax. The "if..." line must be on the same indentation
> level as the "print" line.
> >                        qset=(
> >                                Q(list_parent_id = n.id)
> >                        )
> >         level2 = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
> >         for n in level2:
> >                print "N2.id : ", n.id
> >                if n.list_channel:
> >                        qset=(
> >                                Q(list_parent_id = n.id)
> >                        )
> >         print "QSET : ", qset
> >         level3 = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
> This won't be doing what you expect. You are creating a new qset every
> time around the "level2" loop, but then the level3 queryset only uses
> the last "qset" value. Maybe you want to create a level3 queryset for
> every pass around the level2 loop? So you need to nest the loops, so
> that the level3 loop is run inside the level2 loop.
> >         for n in level3:
> >                print "N3.id : ", n.id
> >                if n.list_channel:
> >                        qset=(
> >                                Q(list_parent_id = n.id)
> >                        )
> >         level4 = Listing_channels.objects.filter(qset).distinct()
> >   #sight_result = Listing_channels.objects.all().filter
> > (list_parent_id=6)
> > my query is how may i get the value for Level3.
> > Please do not suggest me to use django-tree or mptt.
> For large data sets, they, or some variation on them, are the right sort
> of solution to this problem. For shallow trees of a fixed depth and not
> too many nodes, what you're doing will work. If you're planning to scale
> up to a few hundred items, however, you'll need a better plan than your
> current one, since you're making essentially one database query per node
> in the tree (which looks like being one node per object). That's a lot
> of database queries.
> For a reasonable, but not huge data set (say, a few hundred up to a
> couple of thousand items), you might want to consider pulling them all
> back into Python in one database query
> (ListingObjects.objects.filter(...)) and then organising the data
> structure in Python by examining the parent_id values and looping over
> the list.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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