On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:06 AM, NoviceSortOf <jons...@well.com> wrote:

> Initially my problem was getting django-registration to add/update new
> users to my
> custom designed mysite.UserProfile table.
> Other than that django-registration worked o.k. sent notifications and
> so on,
> but without it giving me control of our custom user profile it was
> impossible to
> move forward.
> I'm my discussions here though in this discussion group, it appears
> that the my questions might be better answered if I used the profiles
> component that registration was built to work with, so the questions
> and answers would have more of a standard context.
> * Today I updated django-registration to .06 and also installed its
> userprofiles .06 cousin.

You mean 0.6?  Why 0.6?  If I look here:


0.7 is where full Django 1.0 compatibility was included.  I'm assuming you
are using Django 1.0 or higher?  The error related to 'alnum_re' you mention
later looks to be the result of django-registration using a core validator
thingy -- these were all removed prior to Django 1.0, so if you got an error
on that then it sounds like you are running a later version of Django than
is supported by the version of django-registration you installed.  Rather
than trying to patch the registration code you have (which is what has led
to the syntax error you report), upgrade to a django-registration version
(0.7 or current code) that supports the level of Django you are running.


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