Thanks Malcom,

Looks like sorted in combination with the operator module is the key
to my problem. Now I can do:

import operator

vehicle_list = Vehicle.objects.all().select_related(depth=1)
vehicles = list(sorted(vehicle_list, key=operator.attrgetter
('model_year or whatever')))

...and do vehicles.reverse() to toggle ascending or descending.

Thanks for getting me on the right track, I appreciate it!

On Jan 22, 2:19 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 21:40 -0800, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I need to do some table sorting and paging. To reduce trips to the DB,
> > I'm storing my initial queryset in a session using the file system
> > backend for local development.
> > I was thinking I might be able to use the dictsort filter and just
> > pass in the column as a variable to do the column sorting, but I can't
> > seem to convert a queryset into a dictionary to use with the dictsort
> > filter. Calling dict(queryset) returns an error.
> Simplest solution will be to write your own "sort" filter. In your
> template, that will then look like:
>         {{ my_queryset|sort }}
> A template filter is very easy to write, particularly when the filter
> takes no arguments. It's basically just a Python function that accepts
> the lhs object as a parameter. You can then use Python's sorted()
> function and pass in a comparison function or a "key" function. Have a
> read of the Python documentation for details, if you aren't familiar
> with sorted() -- it's incredibly useful.
> Refer to [1] for how to write template filters.
> [1]
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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