
during development, I messed around with an app name.
First it was called 'body copies' (no native speaker!), then I renamed  
it to 'stanza', which I liked better.
No problem there: As there was no data in the db, I deleted the tables  
and created them again, with other names.

Then I deployed the project.
I transfered the data via manage.py dumpdata/loaddata.
Still no problems when I'm logged in as admin.

When I create a new user group and want to give permissions, there's  
still 'body copy' instead of 'stanza'.
('bodyopies | body copy | Can add static content' and so on...)

If I give the bodycopy permissions and log in as a user with those  
permissions, I'm not able to edit 'stanza'.
The 'stanza'-area won't even show up in the admin panel, neither does  

I took a look at the database, and in the table 'django_content_type'  
I found some entries refering to 'bodycopies':

id |    name   |  app_label | model
09 | body copy | bodycopies | bodycopy

I renamed them to the according 'stanza' labels.
After that, in the group permissions on the group page 'stanza' showed  
up instead of 'bodycopies',
but I still was not able to edit 'stanza' as non-admin-user.

Any ideas?


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