
this is what it looks like.

<form action="{{function}}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-
data" >

On 26 Jan., 16:29, Brian Neal <bgn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 9:16 am, PeteDK <petermoel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi there :)
> > first the code:
> > forms:
> > class ProfileForm(forms.Form):
> >         ...
> >         image = forms.ImageField(required = False)
> > models:
> > class Profile(models.Model):
> >         user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
> >         ....
> >         image = models.ImageField(upload_to="images/", blank=True, 
> > null=True)
> > views:
> >                         formP = ProfileForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
> >                         if formP.is_valid():
> >                                 profile = user.get_profile()
> >                                 image = formP.cleaned_data['image']
> >                                 if image:
> >                                         print "image test"
> >                                         
> > profile.save_image_file(image.filename, image.content,save=False)
> >                                 profile.save()
> > I have installed PIL and i don't get any error messages of any sort.
> > however if i try to print image it just prints "None". and "image
> > test" never gets printed.
> > I have also set media root and URL and all that in my settings file.
> > I could really use some help here :-(
> > Maybe i have to import something, but somehow i think that i'm not
> > just not getting my image file back.
> > Oh and i have tried .png aswell as .jpeg
> Hmm....You haven't shown your template. Do you have the correct
> enctype attribute set on your <form> tag?
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/api/#binding-uploaded-...
> If you forgot this, the form would still validate because your image
> field has required=False.
> BN
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