That almost sounds like you will have to write the renderer for that
class.  I don't think this will be easy to do in the template, but if
you override django.forms.widgets.Select.render. you can probably make
it work.

On Jan 26, 11:51 am, mattsouth <> wrote:
> I wish to customise a form template so that I produce forms like:
> <code>
> <p>my text field : </p>
> <p><input type="text" ...></p>
> <p>my select field : <select id=..>...</select></p>
> <p>my multiline text field : </p>
> <p><textarea id=...></textarea></p>
> </code>
> i.e. forms in a single column of paragraph tabs where usually the
> field label and input field are in separate blocks, except when the
> field is a select box (i.e. it's widget is a
> django.forms.widgets.Select object). I'd like to iterate through the
> form fields to draw the template, following <a href="http://
>">the documentation</a>,
> using something like this:
> <code>
> {% for field in form %}
>         <p>{{ field.label_tag }} : {% if field.is_select %} {{ field }} {%
> endif %}</p>
>         {% if not field.is_select %}<p>{{ field }}</p>{% endif %}
> {% endfor %}
> </code>
> but I'm having difficulty detecting the selection field.  Does anyone
> have any suggestions for doing this?
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