On Jan 27, 8:20 pm, David <da...@optixx.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> iam new to django and in the phase of researching django production features.
> Iam planing to run django as fcgi behind a thin webserver. Can some point me
> out a good read or resource to find more about this topics. Iam specially
> interested in the problem about scaling, regarding threading and the GIL
> problem coming with that.
> Do i have to plan a 1-process-per-client setup ( and the memfootprint cominng
> with this) or does the fcgi/django run threaded?  
> I found a few older posting on this list regarding the threading issues in
> django, but iam still not sure what kind of behaviour and problems i will
> expect in a bigger production enviroment.

The GIL problem is generally overrated.

Frankly I would suggest you not try and prematurely optimise things by
making assumptions that you will actually have a problem to begin
with. Just get on with writing your code.

When it comes down to deployment, what configuration you use will
depend on many things, such as how many concurrent requests you need
to handle. How long are your average/maximum length requests. What
memory restrictions you have etc etc. Most of the time how it is
deployed will not matter one bit, as most web sites would never stress
the web hosting system enough to cause a real problem anyway as long
as you use a sensible basic configuration.

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