I know this question has been asked before, but I've never seen a
proper answer.

My situation is as follows: In our news application the editors are
able to upload photos, and I'd like to change the name of these to a
random 10 char md5 hash based on the current timestamp. The reason for
this is estetical and to shoot down the possibility of two filenames
being the same. Since every image is already associated with a title
and description in the database I don't see any reason not to do this.

I use Amazon S3 for our backend file storage, and uploading files
there is no problem. The photos will be uploaded through the admin
interface, so I'd like to do the manipulation in the model and not the

I've already tried a number of approaches - including overriding the
_save_FIELD_file(), from which I later read is deprecated (no wonder
it wasn't working ;). I've also managed to upload the file and then
save a copy  with a different filename, but that feels very
unpractical. I'd somehow like to change the filename before it's

Any help would be greatly appriciated!

Take care,
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