Thank you very much!

So you mean if I want pass the 'tags' list to the javascrip, the your
code example should be added in the After that, I can use
the list by using var x = {{variable_to_insert_into_template}} in my


On Jan 31, 3:48 am, Alex Robbins <>
> Sorry, a code sample would have been more helpful.
> With a python variable "tags" that has a list of tags to pass to js,
> it would look roughly like this:
> tags = ['fun', 'exciting', 'cool']
> from django.utils import simplejson
> variable_to_insert_into_template = "<script>%s</script>" %
> simplejson.dumps(tags)
> Pass variable_to_insert_into_template to the template and then just
> put {{variable_to_insert_into_template}} somewhere in your code.
> Just my 2 cents.
> On Jan 30, 10:42 am, Alex Robbins <>
> wrote:
> > You might also consider using simplejson to dump the python variable
> > into something that JavaScript could understand. (This way you can
> > pass more complicated variables like an array or an object.) I
> > recently did that to get a list of tags out to some javascript on the
> > front end.
> > On Jan 29, 11:33 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> > wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 21:11 -0800, min wrote:
> > > > Hi.
> > > > First, the code in the
> > > > class TestForm(forms.Form):
> > > >     name = forms.CharField( max_length=30 )
> > > > Then, the variable is defined in the
> > > > def Test_page(request):
> > > >     form = TestForm()
> > > >     show_results = False
> > > >     variable = ''
> > > >     if request.GET.has_key('name'):
> > > >         show_results = True
> > > >         query = request.GET['name'].strip()
> > > >         variable  = 'custom value'
> > > >     variables = RequestContext(request, {
> > > >         'form': form,
> > > >         'show_results': show_results,
> > > >         'variable': variable
> > > >          })
> > > >     return render_to_response('Test.html', variables)
> > > > I know the value of variable can be accessed by using {{variable}} in
> > > > the Test.html. However, if I want use the jQuery in the Test.html and
> > > > pass the value of this variable to the jQuery function, how to do
> > > > that?
> > > > I have tried: var x = $("variable").val(), and not succeed.
> > > The context dictionary you pass to render_to_response is used by
> > > render_to_response to produce a string. That string is what is sent back
> > > to the browsers. The variables (parameters, whatever we want to call
> > > them) are shoved into the template -- in a nice way; they're made very
> > > comfortable -- and become static data in the final result. That is, they
> > > are *not* variables from the browser's perspective. Template rendering
> > > happens fully on the server side.
> > > If you want to access this data via Javascript, you first have to make
> > > it available as a Javascript variable in the template. For example, you
> > > could write this in your template (inside a script block).
> > >         var x = "{{ variable|escape_js }}";
> > > The {{...}} bit is converted to a string by the (server-side) template
> > > rendering. Then "x" is available to the browser-side Javascript. Clear
> > > as mud?
> > > Regards,
> > > Malcolm- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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