Solved, I corrected the __init__ method with this:

def __init__(self,  *args,  **kwargs):
        if kwargs.has_key('instance'):
            self.fields['parent'].queryset = Categoria.objects.exclude

On Feb 5, 10:11 am, mrsource <> wrote:
> Maybe I missing some step:
> I trying to set up the the automatic admin page form to edit a
> category tree builded withtreebeardextension:
> #Model:
> class Categoria(AL_Node,Componente):
>     immagine = fields.ImageWithThumbnailsField
> (upload_to=Componente.image_path + 'categorie/',
>                                                thumbnail={'size':
> (100, 60),'options': ['crop', 'upscale'],},
>                                                help_text =
> Componente.image_help_text,
> blank=True,default=Componente.noimage_logo)
>     parent = models.ForeignKey('self',
>                                related_name='children_set',
>                                null=True,
>                                db_index=True)
>     node_order_by = ['data_creazione']
>     class Meta:
>         verbose_name = 'Categoria'
>         verbose_name_plural = 'Categorie'
> but the I would exclude some elements from the foreign key choice
> widget as itself object id and its descendants:
> First I tried this to exclude the element that I editing:
>  class CategoriaForm(forms.ModelForm):
>     class Meta:
>         model = Categoria
>     def __init__(self,  *args,  **kwargs):
>         super(CategoriaForm,self).__init__(self,  *args,  **kwargs);
>         self.fields['parent'].queryset = Categoria.objects.filter
> ('id'<>kwargs['instance'].id)
> but I get this error in the Categoria admin editing page:
> Exception Type:              TypeError
> Exception Value:             'bool' object is not iterable
> Exception Location:     D:\codice\workspace\django\django\db\models\sql
> \ in add_filter, line 1101
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