On Feb 9, 3:54 am, Praveen <praveen.python.pl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi i have one form inside the form
> <form name="lightform" id="lightform" action="../sendmail"
> method="POST" onSubmit="javascript:self.close();">
> {% for name in eventname %}
> <div class="basicModals"  style="text-align:left;margin-top:20px;">
> <div class="eventname"><b><a href="#" class="basics" id="a_
> {{forloop.counter}}">{{ name.title }}</a></b></div>
> </div>
> <div class="eventaddress">{{ name.address }}</div>
> <div class="eventdesc">{{ name.summary }}</div>
> <div id="div_a_{{forloop.counter}}" class="basicModalContent"
> style='display:none'><div>
> <div  style="color:red">{{ name.title }}</div>
>                                 <div><img src="{{ name.get_thumbnail_url }}" 
> style="width:
> 25%;height:25%"/></div>
>                                 </div>
>                                 <div>
>                                         <div>{{ name.summary }}</div>
>                                         <div>{{ name.start_date }} to {{ 
> name.end_date }}</div>
>                                         <div>{{ name.start_time }} to {{ 
> name.end_time }}</div>
>                                         <div>{{ name.venue }}</div>
>                                         <div>{{ name.contact }}</div>
>                                         <div>{{ name.description }}</div>
>                                 </div>
>                                 <div>
>                                         <div>{{ forms.name }} Friend's 
> Name</div>
>                                         <div>{{ forms.email }} Friend's 
> Email</div>
>                                         <div style="height:5px;float:left">{{ 
> forms.comment}}</div>
>                                         <input type="reset" value="Cancel"/>
>                                         <a href="../sendmail" 
> onClick="javascript:self.close();">Submit</
> a>
>                                          <input type="submit" name="submit" 
> class="submit-post"
> value="Send" />
>                                         <!--input type="submit" 
> value="Submit"/-->
>                                 </div>
>                         </div>
>                 {% endfor %}
> </form>
> forms.py
> ---------
> class MailForm(forms.Form):
>     #topic = forms.ChoiceField(choices=TOPIC_CHOICES)
>     name  = forms.CharField(label=_("Name"), max_length=50)
>     email = forms.EmailField(label=_("Email address"))
>     comment = forms.CharField(label=_("Comment"),
> widget=forms.Textarea)
> eventview.py
> ------------
> def event(request):
>         difference1 = datetime.timedelta(days=-3)
>         today=datetime.date.today()
>         print "Today date : ", today
>         l=range(1,5)
>         forms = MailForm(request.POST)# Creating MAIL FORM interface in side
> event template
>         print "Mail Form : ", forms
>         eventobj=events.objects.all().filter
> (start_date__lte=today,end_date__gte=today)
>         eventname=events.objects.all().filter
> (start_date__lte=today,end_date__gte=today)
>         #eventobj=events.objects.all().filter(start_date__gte=today-
> datetime.timedelta(days=3), end_date__lte=today+datetime.timedelta
> (days=10), highlighted='true',visibility='true')
>         paginator = Paginator(eventobj, 2)
>         try:
>             page = int(request.GET.get('page','1'))
>             print "page : ", page
>         except ValueError:
>             page = 1
>         try:
>             eventobj = paginator.page(page)
>             print " Event object : ", eventobj
>         except(EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
>                 eventobj = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
>         return render_to_response("event.html",
> {'eventobj':eventobj,'l':l,'eventname':eventname,'today':today.strftime
> ("%B %d %Y %A"),'forms':forms})
> #View for send mail#
> -------------------
> def mail(request):
>     if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
>         form = MailForm(request.POST) # A form bound to the POST data
>         if form.is_valid():
>                 print "Form valid"
>                 comment = form.cleaned_data['comment']
>                 email = ['i...@example.com']
>                 from django.core.mail import send_mail
>                 send_mail(comment, email)
>                 print "Send mail : ", send_mail(comment, email)
>                 return HttpResponseRedirect('/pro/Thanks/')
>     else:
>         print "Invalid form"
>         form = MailForm() # An unbound form
>     return render_to_response('contact.html', {'form': form})
> urls.py
> ------
>     (r'^foodies/events/$', 'foodies.foodapp.eventview.event'),
>     (r'^foodies/sendmail/$','foodies.foodapp.eventview.mail'),
> i am displaying eventdetails in light box where i have one submit and
> name and email field. if some one click on submit then mail should
> send page should closed. but when i am clicking on submit button form
> is closing but it shows me "Invalid Form" which i wrote in else part
> of mail view. i think some thing wrong in get or post.

This is really difficult to read like this. Next time if you post
post, please put it on a pastebin site like dpaste.com . This will
make my life a lot easier.

My bet is when you look at the post information coming across the wire
you aren't going to see any of the information you expect. First off,
where does the 'forms' variable come from? The best way to check the
post/get requests is with a product like Firebug or Fiddler. You can
see what is going with your post and make sure that it matches what
you think it should be.

Take a look at that information, hopefully it will become clear what
is wrong when you look at it like that.


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