On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 07:28 -0800, ReneMarxis wrote:
> Very sorry to bug you againe, but this is getting very critical ....
> Please can someone tell me how to format output of one DateField in a
> way that form.is_valid() is not breaking?

What do you mean by breaking? When I use the example code you pasted
initially (http://dpaste.com/121354/ ), I see this:

        In [12]: f = forms.SchuljahreAddFormMain({'Datum_Von': '31.15.2009'})
        In [13]: f.errors
        Out[13]: {'Datum_Von': [u'Enter a valid date.']}
        In [14]: print f
        <tr><th><label for="id_Datum_Von">Datum Von:</label></th><td><ul 
class="errorlist"><li>Enter a valid date.</li></ul><input type="text" 
name="Datum_Von" value="31.15.2009" id="id_Datum_Von" /></td></tr>

The erroneous value is being included when the form is redisplayed. What
are you seeing in a similar case? You haven't really described the error
you are experiencing.

> I allready posted this question some time before under
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/33b6fadb5db48525
> but got no result.

That was a whole 19 hours before you posted this! It's not as if it's
been a week with no answer. For a question like this, where even
understanding the problem requires wading through 40 lines of code, it
might well take a while before somebody has time and motivation to get


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