
I'm new to Django exploring what can be done with it and I'd like that
blog users could use some of desktop blog clients to publish their posts
to Django-powered blog site, so I did some research about support for
MetaWeblog and Atom PP in DJango which has brought me to the two

http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/226) and

Now, I'm curious if someone can explain me why is the ticket for
MetaWeblog API (#226)  closed and marked as 'invalid ' with the comment
"Django's not a weblog engine; it's a framework for building content
management systems. It's going to be up to individual authors of blog
packages to support any APIs." while the ticket for adding Atom PP
(#3570)is accepted and being worked on?

I asked on #django and got the answer that "It's not possible to please
everyone." which is true 'cause I'm not please by that answer :-) and
wonder if there is some deeper (aka: technological) reason behind it
'cause both protocols seems to be very popular in blog-engines?



Gour  | Zagreb, Croatia  | GPG key: C6E7162D

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