On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Alessandro Ronchi <
alessandro.ron...@soasi.com> wrote:

> I get an error when I try to upload a jpeg file.
> I've tried to compile PIL from scratch, and
> python setup.py build_ext -i
>  says:
> --- JPEG support ok
> --- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support ok
> --- FREETYPE2 support ok
> but when I try selftest:
> http://dpaste.com/122689/
> I've tried everything.
> I'm running on a debian 4.
It would seem there is nothing Django-specific about your problem, unless
the original error you reference without giving any details had something to
do with Django.  But if it was a Django problem, I don't know why you would
then try to fix it by re-building PIL, so I am left thinking your problem
has nothing to do with Django.  PIL has it's own mailing list, referenced


That page also mentions comp.lang.python as a place to ask questions.  The
Django list is not a particularly good place to ask for help with pure PIL,
someplace with more PIL expertise would likely be much more helpful to you.


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