That is exactly the kind of WET I was talking about.  as_p() with
appropriate CSS styling will render really nice forms as is, with the
exception of the help_text.  I even think that could be fixed without
any major rework, just a change in the as_p() string


    def as_p(self):
        "Returns this form rendered as HTML <p>s."
        return self._html_output(u'<p>%(label)s %(field)s%(help_text)
s</p>', u'%s', '</p>', u' %s', True)


    def as_p(self):
        "Returns this form rendered as HTML <p>s."
        return self._html_output(u'<p>%(label)s %(field)s<span
class="helptext">%(help_text)s</span></p>', u'%s', '</p>', u' %s',

similar changes would be needed for as_ul() and as_table()
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