I've been putting together a Product Database and Customer Order
application that requires a lot of interim calculations, things like
tax, customer discounts etc.  Due to my limited knowledge of django/
python I have been basically performing these calculations in a custom
save function of the appropriate models.



A mess huh!!

The product model is associated with a PriceOverride table that is
updated by the user and functions as a means of applying a unique
price for a particular customer (let's say it's a great customer and
they should be getting 10% on certain products)

By doing it this way I've got myself in a horrible mess with the save
functions, things that I haven't considered like updating a
PriceOverride or changing the PriceOverride to cover a different set
of products have meant that I need to write custom code for not only
the save but also the delete and any 'change' operations.

I'm really not sure what I should be asking to fix it other than maybe
I've been going about this entirely wrong procedure and looking for
some guidance that might make life easier for me.

Think I could explain all that much better but I think I'll wait for a
few queries first (if any!)


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