
I'm just learning Django, and had a question with my first site.

To have a common layout for multiple pages (even those in different
applications / python code folders) on the site, I'm using template
But the base template uses a few variables, for example the name of
the logged in user and some of his settings. These need to be provided
as parameters from *every* view's render_to_response call that uses a
template inheriting from base.

How should I structure my code to access these in every view?
An idea I had was to:
* make a basehelper.py to go with the base.html template
* have a get_params(request) function there that returns a dict with
the base template parameters
* every view would use this and add its own values before passing it
to render_to_response.

But is there something more generic for this problem in Django?


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