Dear Steve,

Thank you for saving hours and hours of my team's time.

On Feb 17, 5:10 am, stevedegrace <> wrote:
> Figured it out myself... you have to set dispatch_uid for the connect
> methods. See modification below to the last three lines of my example
> above. It's still annoying that the overhead of module import is
> apparently being incurred twice, but at least things work the way you
> expect. Aside from this bit of weirdness, the signalling framework is
> awesome, but it does seem to reveal an unfortunate characteristic of
> Django itself.
> comment_will_be_posted.connect(pre_comment, Comment,
> dispatch_uid='comments.pre_comment')
> comment_was_posted.connect(post_comment, Comment,
> dispatch_uid='comments.post_comment')
> comment_was_flagged.connect(flag_comment, Comment,
> dispatch_uid='comments.flag_comment')
> On Feb 15, 8:46 pm, stevedegrace <> wrote:
> > I realise going through Google that this has been hashed over before,
> > but nevertheless, I want to know if there is any new thought on this.
> > Ever since I removed project references from imports in my code, I
> > have noticed a new problem whereby many functions connected to signals
> > are being called twice. I don't know if that caused the problem, but
> > it seems likely because everything I've been reading tracks the
> > problem down to imports.
> > A good example is in my for my comments application, which
> > is basically just a bunch of customizations to the Django comments
> > application. That one has no imports of any of my models in it. It is
> > posted below.
> > This is a real pain. Is there any way to make it not do this, short of
> > going through my code and making all my imports through the project
> > again? Maybe that wouldn't even help. I tried making selected imports,
> > e.g., through the list of installed apps in import through
> > the project name again but that didn't fix it, so I don't see an easy
> > hack.
> > The same thing is happening whether I'm using runserver at
> > home or Apache2/mod_wsgi2 on Webfaction. On Webfaction I have no
> > choice but to have both the project directory and the directory
> > containing it on my path or I get Apache 500 errors, the only way I
> > can make my application load is to have both on the path.
> > This is really awful behaviour - it's probably the ugliest wart (maybe
> > the only significant one, but still) I have ever found in Django, and
> > it sucks because my applications are using signals a lot. I hope
> > there's a way around it.
> > Stephen
> > from django.contrib.comments.signals import comment_will_be_posted,
> > comment_was_posted, comment_was_flagged
> > from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment
> > from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
> > from django.template import Context, loader
> > from django.core.mail import send_mail
> > from django.conf import settings
> > def pre_comment(sender, comment, request, **kwargs):
> >     if not request.user.is_authenticated:
> >         comment.is_removed = True
> > def post_comment(sender, comment, request, **kwargs):
> >     if comment.is_removed:
> >         comment.delete()
> >     else:
> >         request.session['flash'].append('Thank you for your
> > comments.')
> >         request.session.modified = True
> >         site = Site.objects.get_current()
> >         template = loader.get_template('comments/comment_email.html')
> >         context = Context({
> >                 'comment': comment,
> >                 'protocol': 'https' if request.is_secure() else
> > 'http',
> >                 'site': site,
> >             })
> >         send_mail("A comment was posted at %s" %,
> >             template.render(context), getattr(settings,
> >             getattr(settings, 'MODERATOR_EMAILS', None))
> > def flag_comment(sender, comment, flag, created, request, **kwargs):
> >     site = Site.objects.get_current()
> >     template = loader.get_template('comments/comment_flag_email.html')
> >     context = Context({
> >             'comment': comment,
> >             'flagged_by': request.user,
> >             'protocol': 'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http',
> >             'site': site,
> >         })
> >     send_mail("A comment was flagged by %s" % request.user.username,
> >         template.render(context), getattr(settings,
> >         getattr(settings, 'MODERATOR_EMAILS', None))
> > comment_will_be_posted.connect(pre_comment, Comment)
> > comment_was_posted.connect(post_comment, Comment)
> > comment_was_flagged.connect(flag_comment, Comment)

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